Relationship Therapy
Creating space for you to build healthier connections and safely show up as the person you want to be in relationship.
Relationship Therapy for Highly Sensitive People
There’s no getting around it; relationships are both one of the hardest and most rewarding parts of the human experience. Unfortunately there’s no Healthy Relationship class required for high school graduation, or as a prerequisite to adulthood. As a consequence you may have struggled in relationships in life, subconsciously operating from unhelpful thought patterns learned in childhood, and self-limiting beliefs that prevent you from showing up the way you want in the world. If you also identify as a highly sensitive person, things get even more complicated. You may have, like many of us, internalized negative self-views from an early age, unnecessarily believing that you’re too much or difficult.
This is where relationship therapy comes in! With relationship therapy you can learn to undo this conditioning, allowing you to gain healthier ways of relating to yourself, the people around you, and your needs and wants in relationship, in addition to mastering how to better manage your sensitivities in an overstimulating world. When you better understand yourself, you’re able to stop giving away your energy and step into your power!

Relationship Therapy might be for you if:
You feel you often “lose” yourself in relationship; either your mind starts fixating on the relationship or your partner, or you struggle to maintain connection to the people and activities outside of the relationship that once felt important to you.
You struggle with insecure attachment (anxious attachment, avoidant attachment, or disorganized attachment) and experience problems in relationship like fear of abandonment, anxiety, trust issues, hypervigilance, low self-worth, imposter syndrome, shame, guilt, resentment, or difficulty controlling your emotions.
You keep noticing that you’re attracted to and pursue people with whom you feel you can’t be your authentic self for fear of rejection, or you stay in toxic relationships that bring out the worst in you and your partner.
It’s time to consider working with a relationship therapist when you:
Recognize reoccurring self-sabotaging patterns in your relationships but don’t know how to change them
Are stuck on an ex or past unhealthy/toxic relationship and have difficulty letting go and moving on
Have an insecure attachment style and know it’s wreaking havoc in your relationships and friendships
Feel an increasing amount of resentment across your relationships, even with close friends
Notice relationship stress and anxiety are creating mental, emotional, or physical health concerns
Are unkind and critical towards yourself, telling yourself there’s something wrong with you
Can’t stop obsessing about your partner or dating prospect, and are unable to focus on other areas of your life
Are hypervigilant or paranoid in your relationships, constantly looking for any signs of possible abandonment
Feel hypersensitive and struggle to not take things personally
Can’t say no to others’ requests, and have difficulty advocating for your needs or preferences
“We are born in relationship, we are wounded in relationship, and we can be healed in relationship.”
- Harville Hendrix

How Relationship Therapy Can Help You
Some of the gains that Relationship Therapy can help you achieve:
More self-love + self-trust
Improved self-esteem + self-confidence
Greater self-worth + a stronger sense of self
The ability to listen to your intuition + hear what it’s trying to communicate to you
Understanding how your nervous system influences your relationship anxiety
Knowing your attachment style + how it can influence the way you show up in relationships
Connecting the ways in which your trauma has held you back from having more fulfilling relationships
A better understanding of your non-negotiables and dealbreakers
The ability to be content, whether you're single or in a relationship
Improved communication skills + healthier boundaries
A greater sense of appreciation and gratitude in your relationships
Greater understanding of how your feelings about yourself have negatively impacted your relationships
An increased ease in getting out of your head + letting go of what you can’t control
A general understanding of how to create healthier relationships with your partner, family, and friends
Some of the hardships that Relationship Therapy can help to relieve:
Staying stuck in repeating unhelpful and self-sabotaging patterns in your dating life and friendships
Out of control + inexplicable resentment towards others
Resorting to default self-sabotaging behaviors like shutting down and people-pleasing
Constantly obsessing and overthinking due to relationship anxiety
Habitually taking things personally + hurting your own feelings
Difficulty walking away from or ending unhealthy relationships or friendships
Relying on others for your sense of worth + value
Consistently being attracted to + pursuing unavailable partners
Out of control trust issues + paranoia due to fear of abandonment
Letting comparison + jealousy ruin your relationships or friendships
Giving your power away to others
Not taking responsibility for your own thoughts + feelings + behaviors
Taking responsibility for others’ thoughts + feelings + behaviors
Staying stuck in a breakup due to a scarcity mindset